Welcome to the Services page of SEBHS.com, where we are dedicated to offering comprehensive behavioral health solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our community. Our wide range of services includes individualized therapy, group counseling, psychiatric evaluations, and substance abuse treatment, all provided by our team of experienced and compassionate professionals.

At SEBHS, we believe in a holistic approach to mental health, integrating innovative techniques and evidence-based practices to foster healing and personal growth. Explore our services to discover how we can support you on your journey to wellness and a healthier, happier life.

Explore Our Services Below (Click Each Title Tab for More Information)

Anger Management

SEBHS’s Anger Management program is designed to help individuals understand and control their anger in a healthy and constructive manner. Through a series of educational sessions and therapeutic exercises, clients learn to identify triggers, develop coping strategies, and communicate more effectively. The program emphasizes self-awareness, emotional regulation, and conflict resolution skills, empowering individuals to handle challenging situations without resorting to anger. Our goal is to promote healthier relationships and improve overall well-being.

Community Support Team

Community Support Team (CST) offers comprehensive, community-based services for individuals with severe and persistent mental health issues. The CST provides ongoing support to help clients manage their symptoms, improve their daily functioning, and achieve greater independence. Services include case management, therapeutic interventions, and assistance with accessing community resources. The CST works collaboratively with clients to create individualized plans that promote recovery and enhance their quality of life.

Crisis Intervention/Management Services

Crisis Intervention and Management Services offer immediate support for
individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. Our team of professionals is available 24/7 to provide crisis assessment, stabilization, and intervention. We work closely with clients to develop safety plans, connect them with appropriate resources, and support their recovery. Our goal is to ensure that individuals in crisis receive the care and support they need to stabilize and recover.

Day Treatment

Day Treatment program offers structured, therapeutic activities for individuals with mental health or substance use disorders. Clients attend the program during the day and participate in individual therapy, group sessions, and skill-building workshops. This intensive approach provides a supportive environment for clients to address their challenges, develop coping strategies, and work towards their recovery goals while maintaining their daily routines.

Diagnostic Assessment & Comprehensive Clinical Assessments

SEBHS offers a range of diagnostic assessments and comprehensive clinical assessments conducted by our experienced therapists. Our evaluations are specifically designed for mental health, substance abuse, and developmental disabilities, ensuring accurate diagnoses to develop an effective person-centered plan.
We uphold the highest standards of clinical rigor and ethical practice in every assessment we conduct. Our therapists are dedicated to creating a supportive and respectful environment, building trust and collaboration with our clients to achieve the best outcomes.
Through our diagnostic & screening services, our goal is to provide individuals with the knowledge and resources necessary to reach their robust possibilities.

DWI/E-508 Services (Reinstatement of Driving Privileges through the use of Outpatient Supports)

DWI/E-508 Services support individuals in the process of reinstating their driving privileges following a DWI offense. We offer comprehensive outpatient programs that include assessments, education, and counseling to address substance use and promote responsible driving behaviors. Our experienced team works closely with clients to fulfill legal requirements, develop personalized treatment plans, and support long-term recovery. These services are designed to facilitate a successful return to safe and lawful driving.

Forensic Evaluations/ Screenings

Forensic Evaluation and Screenings service focuses on assessing individual’s
competency to stand trial. We provide thorough psychological evaluations that
determine an individual’s mental state and ability to participate in legal proceedings. Our experienced forensic screeners conduct detailed assessments, including interviews, psychological testing referrals, and review of legal and medical records, to provide accurate and reliable reports for use in court. This service ensures that all individuals receive a fair and just evaluation in legal contexts.

Intensive-in-Home Services

Intensive In-Home Services provide targeted support for children and adolescents with significant emotional and behavioral challenges. Our multidisciplinary team offers therapy, crisis intervention, and skill-building activities within the home environment. This approach allows for personalized care that addresses the unique needs of each family, promoting stability, improving family dynamics, and supporting the child’s overall development and well-being.

Lab Screening Services

Lab Screening Services provided ae essential testing to monitor the effectiveness and safety of prescribed medications and detect any illicit substance use. We offer comprehensive screening services that include blood tests, urine tests, and other diagnostic procedures. Our goal is to ensure accurate monitoring of client’s health status, support medication adherence, and promote safe and effective treatment outcomes. We are willing contract with county vendors to provide this needed benefit to the surrounding counties.

Marriage and Family Counseling

Marriage and Family Counseling services provide a supportive space for couples and families to address relationship issues and improve communication. Through a variety of therapeutic approaches, we help clients navigate conflicts, enhance connections, and build stronger, healthier relationships. Our experienced counselors work collaboratively with families to understand their unique dynamics and develop effective strategies for resolving conflicts and fostering mutual understanding.

Medication Management

Medication Management services ensure that clients receive the appropriate
medications to support their mental health and well-being. Our Medical Doctors (Specialized in Psychiatric Medications) and nurse practitioners conduct thorough evaluations, prescribe medications, and monitor their effectiveness. We work closely with clients to manage side effects, adjust dosages as needed, and ensure optimal treatment outcomes. This service aims to enhance the overall
effectiveness of client’s treatment plans.

Outpatient (Mental Health/Substance Abuse/ Developmental Disabilities)

Outpatient Counseling Services provide comprehensive support for individuals dealing with mental health issues, substance abuse, and developmental disabilities. We specialize in treating behavioral disorders, conduct disorders, and addiction through a client-centered approach. Our services include personalized therapy sessions, group counseling, and family therapy, all designed to promote mental well-being and recovery in a supportive environment. We also offer specialized resources for individuals with traumatic brain injuries, ensuring tailored support to enhance their quality of life and aid in their rehabilitation.

Parenting Training


Our Parenting Training program is designed to equip parents with the skills and knowledge necessary to foster healthy family dynamics and raise well-adjusted children.

Recognizing the unique challenges faced by the families we serve, our training provides comprehensive support, practical strategies, and evidence-based techniques to enhance parenting abilities and promote positive outcomes for children.

Program Components

  1. Assessment and Goal Setting
  • Initial evaluations to understand family dynamics, parenting styles, and specific challenges.
  • Setting personalized goals to address individual needs and foster measurable progress.
  1. Parenting Skills Development
  • Positive Reinforcement: Techniques to encourage desirable behaviors through rewards and praise.
  • Effective Communication: Strategies to improve verbal and non-verbalcommunication within the family.
  • Discipline and Boundaries: Establishing consistent rules and consequences to manage behavior effectively.
  • Emotional Regulation: Helping parents manage their own emotions to respond to children’s needs calmly and constructively.

Child Development Education

  • Understanding developmental milestones and age-appropriate behaviors.
  • Techniques to support cognitive, emotional, and social development in children.
  1. Stress Management and Self-Care
  • Strategies for parents to manage stress and avoid burnout.
  • Importance of self-care in maintaining a healthy family environment.
  1. Family Dynamics and Relationships
  • Enhancing the parent-child relationship through bonding activities and quality time.
  • Addressing co-parenting challenges and improving cooperation between caregivers.
  1. Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity
  • Tailoring parenting strategies to respect and incorporate diverse cultural


  • Providing resources and support that acknowledge and celebrate family diversity.

Training Formats

  • Workshops and Group Sessions: Interactive sessions that provide opportunities for parents to learn from experts and share experiences with peers.
  • One-on-One Coaching: Personalized guidance and support tailored to individual family needs.
  • Follow-Up and Support: Ongoing support to reinforce learning and address emerging challenges.

Benefits of Parenting Training

  • Enhanced Parenting Skills: Parents gain practical tools and strategies to address everyday challenges and improve family dynamics.
  • Improved Child Behavior: Effective parenting techniques lead to better-behaved, emotionally stable, and socially adept children.
  • Strengthened Family Relationships: Fostering healthier, more supportive, and harmonious relationships within the family.
  • Increased Confidence and Empowerment: Parents feel more competent and confident in their parenting abilities.
  • Community Support: Building a network of support through connections with other parents and professionals.

Why Choose Our Program?

Our Parenting Training program is designed with a deep understanding of the diverse needs and challenges faced by the families we serve. Our evidence-based approach, combined with personalized support, ensures that parents receive the tools they need to create a nurturing and positive home environment. Join us in building stronger families and brighter futures for our children.

Partial Hospitalization

The Partial Hospitalization Program offers intensive, structured treatment for individuals who require more support than outpatient care but do not need 24-hour hospitalization. This program provides a comprehensive range of therapeutic services, including individual and group therapy, medication management, and educational workshops. Clients attend treatment during the day and return home in the evening, allowing them to apply new skills in their daily lives while maintaining the support of their home environment. This approach promotes stabilization and supports the transition to less intensive care.

Peer Support Services

Peer Support Services connect clients with trained peer specialists who have lived experience with mental health or substance use challenges. These specialists provide empathetic support, encouragement, and guidance, helping clients navigate their individual recovery journey. Through shared experiences and mutual understanding, peer support fosters hope, resilience, and a sense of community, empowering clients to achieve recovery goals.

PSR (Psychosocial Rehabilitation)

Our PSR services aim to improve the quality of life for individuals with mental health challenges by promoting independence and social integration. PSR provides a supportive environment where clients can develop life skills, enhance their social abilities, and build self-confidence. Through a combination of therapeutic activities, vocational training, and community involvement, we help clients achieve their personal goals and lead fulfilling lives. Our dedicated team works collaboratively with each client to create a personalized plan that addresses their unique needs and aspirations.


Psychotherapy services provide comprehensive mental health support through
evidence-based therapeutic approaches. Our experienced therapists work with clients to address a wide range of issues, including anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship problems. Through individual, group, or family therapy, clients gain insights into their behaviors, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and work towards achieving their personal goals.

SACOT (Substance Abuse Comprehensive Outpatient Treatment)

SACOT program is designed for individuals seeking intensive support to overcome substance abuse. This structured program provides a combination of individual counseling, group therapy, and family involvement, offering a holistic approach to recovery. SACOT addresses the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction, helping clients develop coping strategies, build a support network, and achieve lasting sobriety. Our multidisciplinary team of professionals ensures that each client receives personalized care tailored to their unique needs.

SAIOP (Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Program)

SAIOP offers a flexible yet intensive treatment option for those struggling with
substance abuse. This program allows clients to receive comprehensive care while maintaining their daily responsibilities. Through a combination of individual therapy, group sessions, and educational workshops, SAIOP helps clients understand the root causes of their addiction and develop effective strategies for recovery. The program is designed to support individuals through each stage of their journey, from initial treatment to long-term sobriety. *Adolescents can Attend this group. *

School-Based Therapy & Advocacy

The School-Based Therapy and Advocacy service we offer integrate mental health support within the (school) educational environment. We provide on-site counseling, behavioral interventions, and advocacy for students facing emotional or behavioral challenges. Our goal is to enhance students’ academic and social success by addressing their mental health needs, promoting positive behavior, and fostering a supportive school environment. The on-site advocate will attend meetings to facilitate and foster the growth of the individual.

Stress Management

Stress Management program offers practical tools and techniques to help
individuals cope with stress and improve their overall well-being. Through individual counseling, group workshops, and relaxation techniques, clients learn to identify stressors, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and achieve a better balance in the clients lives. This program aims to reduce the impact of stress on mental and physical health, enhancing client’s ability to handle life’s challenges more effectively.

Respite Services

Respite Services provide temporary relief for caregivers of individuals with special needs, including those with mental health issues, disabilities, or chronic illnesses. These services offer a safe and supportive environment for care recipients while allowing caregivers to take a much-needed break. Our trained staff ensures that clients receive high-quality care and support, giving caregivers peace of mind and the opportunity to rest and recharge.

Types of Evidence-Based Treatment Methods & Approaches Utilized

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a structured, time-limited, and goal-oriented form of psychotherapy. It’s widely used to treat a variety of mental health disorders, including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more. CBT focuses on the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, aiming to help individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors.

Key Components

  1. Cognitive Restructuring: Identifying and challenging irrational or maladaptive thoughts.
  1. Behavioral Activation: Encouraging engagement in activities that improve mood and reduce avoidance.
  1. Exposure Therapy: Gradual exposure to feared situations to reduce anxiety and avoidance behaviors.
  1. Skills Training: Teaching coping skills, problem-solving, and stress management techniques.


  • Evidence-based and effective for various conditions.
  • Provides practical strategies for managing daily challenges.
  • Typically short-term, making it a cost-effective option.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy


Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a comprehensive, evidence-based treatment designed initially for borderline personality disorder but now used for a variety of other mental health conditions. It combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices to help individuals regulate emotions, develop healthy relationships, and improve distress tolerance. 

Core Components

  1. Mindfulness: Cultivating awareness and acceptance of the present moment.
  2. Distress Tolerance: Building skills to manage and endure painful emotions.
  3. Emotion Regulation: Learning to identify, understand, and manage emotions.
  4. Interpersonal Effectiveness: Developing strategies to communicate more

effectively and maintain healthy relationships.

Treatment Structure

  • Individual Therapy: Focused on personal goals and challenges.
  • Group Skills Training: Teaching and practicing DBT skills in a group setting.
  • Phone Coaching: Providing real-time support for applying skills in daily life.
  • Therapist Consultation Teams: Ensuring therapists receive support and stay motivated.


  • Highly effective for reducing self-harm and suicidal behaviors.
  • Helps individuals build a life worth living through skill acquisition.
  • Emphasizes balance between acceptance and change.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a collaborative, client-centered approach designed to enhance an individual’s motivation to change. It is particularly effective for addressing substance abuse, health behaviors, and treatment adherence.

Key Principles

  1. Express Empathy: Building rapport through reflective listening.
  2. Develop Discrepancy: Helping clients see the gap between their current behavior and desired goals.
  3. Roll with Resistance: Avoiding confrontation and working through client ambivalence.
  4. Support Self-Efficacy: Encouraging belief in the possibility of change.


  • Open-Ended Questions: Encouraging clients to explore their thoughts and feelings.
  • Affirmations: Reinforcing positive behaviors and intentions.
  • Reflective Listening: Demonstrating understanding and clarifying client statements.
  • Summarization: Highlighting key points and progress.


  • Empowers clients to take charge of their own change process.
  • Can be integrated with other therapeutic approaches.
  • Effective in a wide range of settings, from clinical to community-based environments.